First steps with SYSSY

Welcome to SYSSY!

We are very happy that you have found your way to SYSSY and that we can help you to better manage your websites in the future.

1. Complete user data

After registering and confirming your account, you can successfully log in to SYSSY.

First, you should complete your user and company data, so that we have all the important data we need from you.

The settings for this can be found at the top right of the user icon under "Settings".

Here you can make the following settings:

Complete user profile

First name, last name and the language for the SYSSY platform can be set here.
The username and email address cannot be changed. If you want to change them, please send us an email to support(at)

You also have the possibility to change your password here.


Edit company data

Enter your company details here, which we will use to create the invoice.

If you have a VAT number, it is important to enter it here. It is especially important to enter it if your company has an address that is outside of Austria, so that we can issue you a net invoice. The UID number will be checked by us before the first invoice is issued.

Please check if the company data is correct, otherwise invoices will be issued incorrectly.


Settings for Info Mail

In the Info Mail settings you can define if you want to receive the SYSSY Info Mails or not.

Check the box for the "Daily Info Mail" and the "Weekly Info Mail" if you want to receive them. You can also set your own e-mail address for the info mail to be sent to. If you do not enter your own e-mail address, we will use the email address that is stored with your user for the mails.


Settings for notification email

Under the item "Notification email" you can define several email addresses to which an email is to be sent in the event of an error (alert). You can specify a single email address or multiple email addresses separated by commas.


View API Key for REST API

The API Key is for querying data via the REST API. This feature is currently in beta testing.


2. Global settings


In the dashboard settings you can define which info boxes you want to see directly on a dashboard. You can find the item in the left navigation bar under "Settings" -> "Dashboard".

You can check or uncheck the following boxes:

  • Favorites
  • Project statistics
  • Monitoring
  • Last Alerts
  • Latest documentations


Ignore alerts

Also under "Settings" -> "Ignore alerts" you can specify which alerts you do not want to be notified about. The alerts will be created, but they will be set to "ignore". You will find the ignored alerts later in a separate list under the alerts.

3. Create or import customers

In the left navigation you will find the option to create or import new customers under "Customers".

The customers can later be assigned to projects and serve a better project overview if you manage several websites per customer.


Import customers

Under the item in the left navigation "Customers" -> "Import customers" you have the possibility to copy a CSV with the customer data into an input field. You can see an example of how this CSV should look like on the page below the import form.


Export customers

The customers can be exported to a CSV. For the export you will find a button directly above your customer list under "Customers" -> "Overview". The export is done in a CSV format and is UTF-8 formatted. When importing into Excel you have to make sure that the correct character set (UTF-8) is set, otherwise umlauts and special characters can be displayed incorrectly.

4. Download and configure the SYSSY app

The SYSSY app is available for Android and iOs. You can find the app in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store by searching for "SYSSY". The app is available for smartphone and tablet.

Setting up the app is very simple. Open the app after downloading, log in with your credentials, and you'll see your projects that you've created on SYSSY.

The advantage of using the app is that if there are any problems with a website, you'll be notified directly via push notification, so you'll know about any issues immediately.

You can install the app on as many devices as you like. 

In the app, there is an item called "Settings" in the navigation. Here you will find app settings that are used to define the notification periods. You can define on which days and at what time you want to receive notifications.

Next chapter: Make a subscription